Handcuff Pouches
A collection of Police handcuff belt pouches and handcuff molle pouches for reigid speedcuffs, folding handcuffs and chain handfcuffs from Protec, Peter Jones Ilg and Price Western Leather
Protec Leather Speedcuff Case Rigid Cuff Loop£13.98 £11.65
Protec Speedcuff Case£10.49 £8.74
Protec Rigid Speedcuff Case£12.98 £10.82
Protec Fixed Speedcuff Case£14.69 £12.24
Protec Chained Handcuff Pouch£12.59 £10.49
Speedcuff case with Pocket£15.74 £13.12
Protec Folding Handcuff Pouch£13.98 £11.65
HMP Chubb Handcuff Pouch£11.48 £9.57
Protec 21 Inch Baton and Handcuff PouchFrom £18.98 £15.82
Protec 26 Inch Motorcyle Baton and Handcuff PouchFrom £18.98 £15.82
Chained Leather Handcuff Case£13.49 £11.24
Double Handcuff Holder£23.99 £19.99
Peter Jones Leather Handcuff Case£16.94 £14.12Out of stock
Price Western Leather Rigid Cuff Holder£25.98 £21.65
Price Western Rigid Leather Cuff holder£17.48 £14.57
Price Western Chained Handcuff Pouch£15.49 £12.91
Protec high-vis MOLLE modular rigid handcuff pouch£11.48 £9.57
Open Top Leather Handcuff Pouch£16.99 £14.16
Peter Jones Klick Fast Rigid Handcuff Case£16.94 £14.12Out of stock
Protec Black MOLLE modular rigid handcuff pouch£11.48 £9.57
Protec Black MOLLE Chained cuff pouch£12.59 £10.49
Protec Chained and Folding Handcuff Pouch£11.48 £9.57
Protec Enclosed Rigid Cuff Pouch£11.48 £9.57
Protec Black molle rigid handcuff pouch£12.97 £10.81
Protec Black molle folding handcuff pouch£14.16 £11.80
Protec Black Molle Modular Rigid Handcuff Utility Pouch£16.79 £13.99Out of stock
Protec Black Molle Rigid Handcuff and CS Pouch£25.00 £20.83
Protec Asp Tri-Fold Restraint Molle Pouch£17.23 £14.36
Protec Prolock Rigid Handcuff Belt Pouch£16.49 £13.74Out of stock
Protec Black Molle Double Rigid Handcuff Utility Pouch£25.99 £21.66
ASP Tri Fold Case£29.99 £24.99
Protec Single Asp Tri-Fold Restraint Molle Pouch£11.99 £9.99
5.11 Rigid Hand Cuff Case Black£22.99 £20.69 £17.24Out of stock